Archived Issue 2


In the last issue, in the “Meet the Future” section, I introduced the Multi-System, Multi-Cultural, Trans-Disciplinary Intervention Program: A Community Care And Relationship Enrichment Services Center (MulTICARE) For Families With Children Birth to Five Years of Age, by providing a Brief Description of the Proposed Project.

In this issue, I am providing you information on the role of Baby Gazette in this process as follows.

Baby Gazette’s Mission is to promote the healthy social, psychological, emotional and intellectual development of young children (ages birth to five) by supporting the families of young children and those who work on their behalf.

Baby Gazette’s Objectives are as follows:

  • Acting as a catalyst in developing a transdisciplinary, multicultural, community based MULTICARE Program serving families with young children to help minimizing transitions with continuity of care.
  • Supporting partnership collaboration and networking by bridging between professionals from various disciplines – heath care, human rights, legal, governmental and non-governmental agencies who care for well-being and developmental progress of young children and their families around the world.
  • Facilitating cooperation among professionals and agencies concerned with promoting optimal development of young children and their families.
  • Providing information on resources, training and educational opportunities around the globe for early childhood caregivers to facilitate the realization of the significant impacts of early childhood in human development and encourage healthy choices.
  • Raising awareness about the plights of young children and their families – especially among the indigenous populations – at risk for and exposed to various chronic and multigenerational violence and suffering around the world and facilitate change through a collective voice.
  • Facilitating appreciation for culturally based practices and developmental components, cultural competence and respect for diversity and international cooperation among individuals concerned with promoting universal optimal well-being of young children and their families.
  • Encouraging international advocacy on behalf of young children and universality of their human rights to be born healthy, raised in a safe and nurturing environment and equal access to quality health care services.
  • Presenting field-related reports on recent scientific research findings, Promising Practices and preventive interventions.
  • Promoting Best Practice Guidelines as a resource for mental health professionals serving children birth to five, including but not limited to screening/intake, evaluation/assessment and treatment modalities.

I am inviting you to Get Involved. For more information or to get involved in the Project, please send your email to or

Brief Article

New Federal Requirement:
All Maltreated Infants and Toddlers Must be Referred to Part C

By: Sheryl Dicker, Executive Director, 
Permanent Judicial Commission on Justice for Children

The newly amended and reauthorized Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act (CAPTA) now requires states to refer maltreated children under age three to the Early Intervention Program known as Part C of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. Under the CAPTA provision.

State child welfare agencies must develop “provision and procedures for referral of a child under the age of 3 who is involved in a substantiated case of child abuse or neglect to early intervention services funded under Part C of the Individuals with Disabilities Act.” This referral requirement opens the door to the rich Part C entitlement program for infants and toddlers involved in substantiated cases of abuse or neglect and their families.

This is important since infants and toddlers are the fastest growing group of children to enter, remain in and reenter the child welfare system. Research nationwide has found that the majority of these children have unmet serious medical needs and developmental delays and disabilities. Yet, few maltreated children have been referred to the important Part C early intervention program for infants and toddlers with developmental delays and disabilities. Since most children are referred to Part C by their parents and pediatricians, the inconsistent parenting and medical care received by maltreated children has been a barrier to their entry into Part C. Congress has removed that hurdle enabling states child welfare agencies to seamlessly make these important referrals.

For more information on this new provision, feel free to contact Sheryl Dicker at